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Safer Internet Day 2023

Today marked Safer Internet Day, where schools around Ireland were encouraged to participate in activities to raise awareness of how to use the internet safely. This term, we have started to use mini laptops in Scoil Carmel from Junior Infants to 2nd Class. They are designed to help support teaching, learning and assessment in our school. The children have access to educational games and apps that compliment and consolidate what is happening in the classroom in a fun and interactive way. We are teaching the children how to access these resources in a safe and responsible way. Junior and Senior Infants are learning a song called Buddy's "Use Your Tablet Safely" song and the 1st and 2nd Classes are learning through the HTML Heroes videoes and resources from All the children from 1st & 2nd Class got cool wristbands to wear to mark the day! For ideas in how to help support your child to use the internet safely at home, please check out :

Safer Internet Day 2023

(01) 451 4151

©2020 Scoil Carmel Junior National School.

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