Welcome To Scoil Carmel Junior National School
Our Junior Infant teachers are Miss O'Reilly (Room 1), Miss Foley (Room 5) and Miss Dunne (Room 6).
All the teachers are looking forward to welcoming the children to Scoil Carmel. Here is a glimpse into daily life in our busy Junior Infant classes where the children engage in active learning throughout the day.
The school uniform consists of a red jumper or cardigan, white shirt, grey tie, grey trousers or a grey pinafore/ skirt or trousers. A navy tracksuit and a blue polo shirt is worn for P.E.

In advance of starting in Junior Infants, the teachers have prepared these very handy documents that will help you with any questions you have regarding your child starting in Junior Infants this September. Please click on the links to read the information:
Junior Infants Notes For The Fridge
Junior Infants 2024/ 2025