Welcome To Scoil Carmel Junior National School
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Beebot Day
On Friday, we had Beebot Day! We starting using the Beebots purchased through the STEM grant we received from the Department of Education. Having Beebots as a resource will help us to support the children to become digital learners in a cross curricular way, with a foous on numeracy and literacy activities. Beebots also help up to collaborate, problem solve, use our initiative, develop our critical thinking skills, communicate and work as a team. Take a look at a few photos showing how we are learning to code Beebots to move forwards, backwards, turn left and turn right to find numbers on the number line!
Active & Wellness Week 2024
All the children and staff had a lovely week participating in activities that focused on keeping active and staying well., both physiclly and mentally We had lots of coaching visitors who spent time teaching us GAA Skills and Yoga, we had students from Scoil Treasa race with us on the new amazing athletics track in Dodder Valley Park, we enjoyed healthy treats kindly donated by Super Valu and sweet treats from the ice-cream man! We also enjoyed out annual sponsored walk through Dodder Valley Park and loved the fun and excitement of Whacky Wednesday, where we got to celebrate our individuality and creative side!
Painting and Decorating
We had professional painters in at the start of the first week of the Easter holidays for three days. They painted the walls around the Junior Infant section of the school, upstairs and the stairwells. They also painted the staff toilets. They did a great job and the place looks bright and fresh! Brian, our fabulous caretaker painted the pupils’ toilets on the front corridor.
Seachtain Na Gaeilge
Bhain na páistí taitneamh as Seachtain na Gaeilge! The children enjoyed Seachtain na Gaeilge! They enjoyed Irish dancing lessons in the PE Hall with Angela Doyle Callaghan , taking part in the Comórtas Dathúchán, reading their news aloud as Gaeilge and going on a Gaeilge Trail around the school! Take a look at some of our highlights!
Multisensory Room, Sensory Gym and Playground Equipment
We are delighted to have a new multisensory room installed in Room 28. It is absolutely fantastic. Thanks to Ms Fitzmaurice, Sinead, Caroline and Brian for preparing the room in advance. They painted the walls. We have created a Sensory Gym in Room 4. Thanks to Caroline and Sinead for setting this up. Thanks to Ms Jones and Ms Fitzmaurice for their support in researching and organising the purchasing of the equipment for these two rooms. Playground equipment has been installed in all the yards. Cosy cocoons were installed yesterday. These provide a safe, quiet, cosy place where children can relax away from the noise of the playground.
World Book Day
This year we had lots of fun for World Book Day! Our teachers swapped classes and read for new children, we brought our books to the yard to read, boys and girls from Scoil Treaa came to visit and read for our Senior Infants and we brought in our favourite books to show our classmates and teachers!
Amazing Artists
Take a look at this slideshow to see the amazing artwork our young artists are doing in Scoil Carmel! They have been inspired by what they are learning about in lots of differnt subjects which shows how well art can be integrated across the curriculum! Here is a list of some of the things that have recently inspired our talented children: History: Chinese New Year Geography: Australia/ Spain/ La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona/ The Arctic & Antartica Science: The Solar System/ Constellations/ Nature Maths: 2D shapes Art: The work of Spanish artist Joan Miro Religion: St. Brigid
Scoil Carmel Book Fair
The Scoil Carmel Bookfair takes in place in the school hall in November. The dates and times are: Wednesday November 22nd - 8.50am - 9.15am & 1.15pm - 2pm Thursday November 23rd -2.30pm - 3.15pm Friday November 24th - 8.40am to 9.15am Books range in price from €5 to €12 and we are only in a position to accept cash. If you as a parent cannot make it any of the days, your child can add book titles to a wishlist with the help of a teacher or member of the PA. We look forward to welcoming you to the school over the few days. I’d like to extend thanks to the PA for their commitment in bringing the book fair back to Scoil Carmel!
First Holy Communion
Fr. Peter, the teachers from 2nd Class and Ms. Jones met last week to discuss preparing the 2nd Class students for the Sacrament of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Fr. Peter has emailed all parents to request any outstanding Baptisimal Certificates to be sent to him at your earliest conveience You may send it directly to him by email attachment or drop it into the Parish Office between 9.30 am – 4 pm. To email me the Baptismal Certificate, please use the email address firhouseparishsaf@gmail.com to send a scanned copy or a photo of the Baptismal Certificate. The dates agreed for the Sacrament of First Holy Communion are as follows: Saturday 18th May at 10 am: Ms O'Reilly's & Ms Plower's Classes Saturday 25th May at 10 am: Ms Kennedy's & Ms Malone's / Ms Hall O'Dwyer's classes Sacrament of First Reconciliation will take place during school hours in the parish church and parents/ guardians will be invited to attend and times will be confirmed closer to the dates. The dates agreed are as follows: Monday 4th March: Ms O'Reilly's Class Wednesday 6th March: Ms Plower's Class Thursday 7th March: Ms Malone's/ Ms Hall O'Dwyers Class Friday 8th March: Ms Kennedy's Class There is a Preparation Meeting for all parents/ guardians of those preparing to receive the Sacrament First Holy Communion in 2024 on Thursday 23rd November 2023 at 7.30 pm in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Firhouse. A short Enrolment & Commitment Prayer Service for the parents / guardians will take place at the end of the meeting.
Online Enrolment Now Open
We are now accepting online enrolment for incoming Junior Infants for the 2024/ 2025 academic year. Please click on the link below that will bring you to our Admissions page where you can access the online enrolment form and all relevant information. You can also use this link if you are interested in enrolling your child who is transferring from another school. https://www.scoilcarmeljns.com/admissions