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Welcome To Scoil Carmel Junior National School
Carmel Murphy’s 50 Years
Today marked the start of the summer holidays in Scoil Carmel, but it also marked the end of an era for a local lady named Carmel Murphy. Over the past 50 years, Carmel has been bringing and collecting kids from Scoil Carmel, including her own children who are all past pupils of the school. This afternoon she collected her final student from the school, her granddaughter Edel who finished 2nd Class today. Edel spent 1st and 2nd Class in Room 16, being taught by Ms. Keating. In fitting end to Carmel’s 50 years, she collected her granddaughter from Room 16, the very classroom in which her eldest daughter Marian started out in many years ago! She is pictured above with her children and grandchildren this afternoon.

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